Folklore and Traditions
Carnival During the Carnival period, the Carneval Fortebambino takes place, a small masked course dedicated to children where small allegorical floats parade.
During the Carnival period, the Carneval Fortebambino takes place, a small masked course dedicated to children where small allegorical floats parade.
The Palio dei Micci
The city participates in the Palio dei Micci of Querceta di Seravezza with the contrada del Ponte, created in 1956. The coat of arms of the contrada includes the name of the city and the colors are red and blue with yellow-gold decorations. In addition to numerous figures, the district has a group of flag-wavers and musicians of around 60 members, dressed in Renaissance style clothes.
The district takes its name from the Ponte di Tavole represented on the coat of arms next to two smaller bridges that once flanked it: one to the north, called the Vaiana walkway, and the other to the south, called by Michè.
The Palio dei Bagni
During the last week of August, since 1951, the Palio dei Bagni has been held, a skating regatta contested by the lifeguards of their respective bathing establishments.
Saint Hermes and Saint Francis
On the occasion of thefestival of the Patron Saint, Sant'Ermete, on the evening of 27 August it is tradition to light a propitiatory fire in the central Piazza Garibaldi. On August 28th a large fair takes place and in the late evening there is a fireworks display on the pier. In 2015 the evening show will be curated by the winner of the 2015 Pyro Designer World Championship which will be held in Forte dei Marmi in the months of May and June.
A small fair is also held in Vittoria Apuana on the occasion of the celebrations of Saint Francis of Assisi in early October.
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