Italian Case
Museo della satira e della caricatura

Museo della satira e della caricatura

The Museum of Satire and Caricature is located inside the fort of Forte dei Marmi.

The Museum of Satire and Caricature is located inside the fort of Forte dei Marmi.

It aims to collect material relevant to the history of world satire and caricature even if it was born from the works presented at the Political Satire prize in 1973. The works presented for the prize still make up the main material from the collection.

The museum preserves and displays the works of Angiolo Tricca, Primo Sinopico, Piero Bernardini, Giovanni Mosca, Bepi Fabiano, Giovanni Manca, Michele Majorana, Albert (Rino Albertarelli), Giaci Mondaini, Mario Bazzi, Filiberto Scarpelli, Carlo Bisi , Golia (Eugenio Colmo), Carletto Manzoni, Ang (Bruno Angoletta), Gino Baldo, Lamb. Giorgio Veccia, Barbariccia, Walter Molino, Ugo De Vargas, George Cruikshank, Melchiorre Delfico, Solatium, Carlo Gripp, Castello, Mippia Fucini, Lorenzo Viani, Uberto Bonetti, Enrico Sacchetti.

In the library there are collections of some historical newspapers and magazines, dating back to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including L'Attaccabottoni, Il becco giallo, La Burrasca, among those Italian, while among the foreign ones (mainly French) we can count L'Assiette au beurre, La Baionette, Journal amusant, and many others.

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